The summer months are great for lake trips, hiking, and doing many other things outdoors. However, it is also a time when you have to make sure to keep your pets cool. Heat exhaustion, strokes, and even death are things you want to avoid, but how exactly do you do that? Well, my friend, I have a few ways I’m going to share with you on how to keep pets cool during the summer.
As an added bonus, I’m going to share with you one of my favorite ways to stay cool during the summer months, too! I’m teaming up with my FAVORITE BBQ sauce company, Head Country BBQ, and I cannot wait to share what low-waste things they have to offer!
Let’s get to it, shall we?
How to Keep Pets Cool During the Summer
Regardless if you have dogs, cats, cows, chickens, or whatever other kind of pet, there are things you need to do to ensure they stay cool during the summer. It is easy for pets to get overheated, at least in the southern part of the United States.
You have to be diligent with these things, but keep in mind there are a few perks for your pets, too!
Provide Fresh, Cold Water for Your Pets //
While you don’t want to give your pets ice water when it is 100+ degrees outside, you do want to give them fresh cold water. This allows their body temperature to stay cooler and reduces their ability to overheat.
We personally fill water bowls in the morning and evening time with fresh water for our pets. It is going the extra mile to do it twice a day, but worth it when you have happy pets!

Circulate the Air with Fans //
Nothing is worse than being in the heat without a steady breeze. It doesn’t matter if you’re in humid weather or dry; heat is heat.
Providing just a little breeze can do wonders with keeping your pets cool and reducing the stress of heat on their bodies.
How many times have you worked in the heat and prayed for just a little wind? Well, our pets cannot talk, so we should provide what we would want in this situation.
Provide a Shaded Area for Your Pets to Rest //
The difference between direct sunlight and a shaded area can have a temperature difference of up to and around ten degrees. This difference is huge when you have no other options for your pets.
Again, think of how you feel during the hot summer. Isn’t having a shaded area nice compared to direct sunlight? Of course, I’m assuming you aren’t sunbathing. 😉

Fresh Cool Treats for the Pet Owner Win! //
I told you there would be a perk for your pets! Having fresh cool treats during the summer for your pets doesn’t only make them happy, but it refreshes them.
Having a cold popsicle on hand is an easy simple treat to feed your pets. [Note: It should be pet approved.]
My chickens personally LOVE fresh cold watermelon. I simply cut it in fourths, so they can enjoy it a few times. They would love to have the entire watermelon all at once, but these are treats, not meals.
My Favorite Way to Stay Cool in the Summer
I have many ways I stay cool during the summer, like dressing in lighter/cooler clothes and enjoying my own fresh cool treats.
However, there is one way I stay cool in the summer that is beneficial for myself and the environment:
Grilling Food Outside Versus Cooking Inside

Of course, grilling is a great way to cook healthy foods and not heat up your home with all the cooking you need to do.
But let’s take a closer look at the benefits of grilling during the summer.
1 // It’s good for the environment
By not cooking a juicy steak inside on the stove, you reduce the amount of work your air conditioner needs to do to keep your home cool.
Also, by not using the stove, that saves you electricity as well!

2 // Using the BEST BBQ Sauce and Seasonings that I consider low-waste
I honestly love Head Country BBQ Sauce for many reasons, including that it is manufactured in a city where my husband used to work.
Each time I use it I’m reminded of those memories of traveling to my husband and all the fun we had there.
It is special to me for that reason, first and foremost, but what I love most is their low-waste product options.
Their seasonings are a bulk size which takes about 15% fewer resources than smaller containers.
We go through seasoning quickly, so having a bulk option is necessary for our home!
Our favorite seasoning is the Original, but we also enjoy the Sweet & Spicy and High Plains Heat.
I love that they are all Championship Winning seasonings because that means Head Country BBQ goes the extra mile for their products.
Their Sugar-Free BBQ Sauce is not only delicious but also in a glass jar with a metal lid. Technically, it is a zero-waste option!
When I use this BBQ sauce, I feel like I’m WINNING in flavor and for the environment!

3 // It’s the best way to cook a homegrown steak!
Grilling homegrown steaks with grilled vegetables, like zucchini and squash… well, there is just nothing better!
I’m a southern country woman born and raised, and I don’t mind being your typical steak-loving person.
It is the best because I know how well the cow was raised.
Plus, it is way better than any steak at a restaurant. But I’m also pretty biased.
Related Post: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Homestead

I would have photographed it on a pretty plate, but we couldn’t wait to eat it… Sorry! At least I got a grill shot! 😉
Final thoughts about how to keep pets cool during the summer
Knowing how to keep pets cool during the summer is very important.
Making sure to provide them with fresh cold water and treats, as well as shad and a fan, is helpful to keep their body temperatures down.
Plus, it reduces the chance of heat exhaustion, stroke, and the scary possibility of death.
I would love to know what fresh cold treats you provide your pets! Let me know below in the comments!
Lastly, be sure to grab your free copy of Questions to Ask Before Starting a Homestead Workbook!

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