OVERVIEW: How I’m simplifying my life for motherhood so that it is full of peace and my presence. In roughly a month, Baby Girl will be here, which means life is about to look a lot different. I’ve already shared what’s on my Baby Registry and how minimalism is helping me prepare for maternity leave….
5 Ways Minimalism is Helping Me Prepare for Maternity Leave
Minimalism is a great tool to prepare for maternity leave! In this post, I’m sharing how minimalism is helping me prepare for maternity leave and everything I’m doing to enjoy this life-changing experience. Maternity leave is more than preparing a business or your job for when you’re away. Preparing for maternity leave is about setting…
Best Books on Decluttering For A Clutter-Free Life
Article Overview: Sharing the Best Books on Decluttering The first step towards a simpler life is decluttering what you no longer need, and that isn’t always easy to determine. This is why reading books about how to declutter your life is great because you can get a step-by-step guide or gain inspiration from how someone…
How I’m Preparing for an Eco-Friendly, Minimalist Baby
Having a baby is quite an investment. Having an eco-friendly, minimalist baby is a whole other thing. After finding out I was pregnant in January and learning I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I found my calendar suddenly wide open with time to research what things my baby would and wouldn’t need due to being bedridden. Quickly,…
4 Ways To Bring Awareness To Sustainable Living If You’re Shy
It is important to bring awareness to sustainable living for the health of our planet. However, it isn’t always easy, especially if you’re shy. Family and friends may not always be receptive to hearing why they shouldn’t use single-use plastic or purchase fast fashion. Reaching out to strangers may not even be an option for…