Spending money each month on utilities can add up over time. Between an electric bill, water bill, gas bill, internet/telephone bill, cable/satellite TV bill, HOA fees, etc., things can get pretty expensive. Learning how to save money on utilities and bills like these can reduce costs and keep more money in your pocket.
Some of the following suggestions for how to save money on utilities are things you may have heard before, but not all of them.
If you really want to reduce the amount you spend each month on your utilities, you have to get creative!
Finding small things here and there to save energy will add up to big savings in the end. Are you ready to learn how to save money on your utilities? Let’s get to it!
How to save money on utilities
1 // Adjust the thermostat
Living 2-3 degrees warmer or cooler [depending on the season] than you are used to can save you a lot of money! In the summer months, dress warmer than you would normally. In the winter, cuddle up with a blanket.
According to Energy.gov, adjusting the thermostat 7-10 degrees for at least 8 hours of the day has the potential to save up to 10% on your energy consumption, which means saving money!
If you have a wood-burning fireplace, you have the benefit of using it as a utility-free source to save even more money.
2 // Use energy efficient appliances
Appliances made with energy efficiency in mind will help save a ton of money on your utilities. Our toilet has two flush settings [I & II].
One puts out just a little water, while two put out what many would consider a regular flush. This saves us about $100 a year on our water bill.
By switching as many things to energy-efficient as possible in your home, you can save 5-30% on your annual electric bill.
Of course, your location has a lot to do with this, but if you could get at least 5% in savings each year, why not?
3 // Unplug unused appliances
There are savings potential with unplugging unused appliances, such as your coffee pot or microwave. Appliances that have clocks or lights on them suck more energy than necessary, most commonly known as standby or phantom power.
According to Energy.gov, you could save $100 per year by using power strips to stop the power when these appliances are not in use.
While $100 may not sound like much for an entire year, these small savings stack up with the rest of the suggestions! Personally, I love the idea of saving an extra $8.00 per month on my electric bill alone!
4 // Cook simple, quick meals
The less time you spend on a stove or oven, the lower your energy use will be. Not only does your stove use electricity [or gas, if you have a gas stove], but it also makes your air conditioner work harder in the warmer months.
During the colder months, you should leave the oven door open when you are finished baking to allow the heat from the oven to fill the kitchen. This will reduce the need for the heater, if only for a few minutes.
5 // Have seasonal bedding
My favorite thing about the changing season is changing my bedding. Our winter bedding allows us to turn down our thermostat even more than recommended because the bedding keeps us warm.
During the summer months, our thinner sheets allow us to are able to keep our air conditioner at a higher setting because our sheets keep us cooler.
The difference in temperature since we started this is about 3 degrees during the night, which means that we are almost always in the 3-10 degrees range of energy saving.
6 // Only wash things once
How many times have we started a load of laundry, forgotten about it, and ended up rewashing it?
By not remembering or changing out the laundry, we not only use more electricity and water, but also laundry detergent, fabric softener, and/or vinegar and bleach. It is basically throwing money into the wind.
Think of how much money you can save overall if you make sure to only wash clothes that you do not forget about?! I know my money would stretch 30-40% farther than it does now.
7 // Keep refrigerator and freezer stocked at all times
The more you have in your refrigerator and freezer, the easier it is to keep the temperature stable. When you do not have a lot in your refrigerator or freezer, it is harder to keep the temperature consistent.
8 // Spend time outdoors
By getting outside, you are spending less time inside watching TV or on the computer. You can adjust the thermostat in your home as if you are away, which also helps to save on your electric bill.
9 // Grill outside
In the summer months, grilling outside keeps your home at a more steady temperature due to not using the stove for cooking. [It also makes for a much better meal!]
By not using the stove and increasing the need for the air conditioner, you are saving a good bit of money. Doing this several times a month can drastically reduce your electric bill, especially when you need it the most during the hottest time of the year.
10 // Caulk around windows
Do not let the heat or cool air escape your home. Caulking around windows will ensure that the air stays at a steadier temperature, and the need for your air conditioner or heater will reduce.
11 // Turn off water when brushing your teeth
I have no idea why people leave the water going when they brush their teeth, and if that is you, please break that habit! By doing so, you can save $37.80 per person per year and 12,600 gallons of water per year.
If everyone in your home does this, the savings multiply! In my home, that would equate to $75.60 in savings per year from one little tweak!
12 //Energy-efficient light bulbs
Switching your incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs requires a higher upfront cost, but the lifespan and energy use of the LED bulb make up for that.
According to Earth Easy, an LED bulb can save you $144.25 compared to an incandescent bulb when lit for 25,000 hours. Imagine the savings when you switch all of your bulbs over to LED! In my home, that would equate to almost $1,300 in savings!
13 // Lamps versus main lighting
In most cases, lamps use less power to light a space. It is not always necessary to use ceiling fans or whatever lights you have for lighting a room. In the evening time, lamps can provide enough light to make a space cozy. Plus, it allows your body to recognize that it is getting closer to bedtime.
14 // Use candles for low lighting
Want to use absolutely no electricity in the evening time? Use candles! They burn for several hours and require nothing but a match to light them. Plus, they make a room smell amazing!
Just make sure you are using organic wax and essential oils as your fragrance to make sure you do not pollute your air.
15 // Turn down the temperature of the hot water heater
By taking less time and energy to heat your water, you can definitely save some money. By lowering our energy-efficient water heater settings, we save about 10% on our electric bill. It is all adding up for sure!
16 // Cut out cable or satellite TV
One of the biggest money suckers that I have witnessed in my home is cable and satellite TV! The price to scan channels to find nothing good is on, or watching reruns out of boredom is too expensive!
Our satellite TV bill used to be about $70 per month [we had two TVs hooked up to the service.] Now we watch Netflix, always have something to watch, and spend less than $9 per month for it!
17 // Call and ask how you can save on your bill
This is something I do on a regular basis [about every 6-9 months] because you never know where savings are hiding. My cell phone bill was reduced by $70 per month because I called and asked how to save money without changing my features.
You have nothing to lose with this suggestion! The worst that can be said is, “I cannot find you any more savings.” But I definitely challenge you to reach out and ask!
18 // Install exterior storm windows with low-e coating
These windows improve your energy efficiency by 12-33% annually. The savings potential with these windows correlates to the cost of each window, so return on investment is seen quickly with this upgrade.
19 // Let the light in during the day
With energy-efficient windows, you can afford to let the light in during the day. It actually replaces lighting your home via electricity. so you get a boost of Vitamin D in addition to not having lights turned on in your home.
20 // Faux wood blinds or thick curtains
For extra insulation, thick faux wood blinds and/or thick curtains are a great way to provide extra shield from the exterior elements. It is also a great way to blackout a room at night for better quality sleep.
21 // Close off spaces not used
Do not heat and cool a room that you do not use. This only increases the amount of energy you use every day.
22 // Don’t wash clothes or towels that aren’t dirty
By only washing your clothes or towels when they are dirty, you reduce the amount of clothes that need washing, which reduces the amount of loads that go through your washing machine and dryer.
Clothes that are worn for just a few hours to a dinner or church can be hung back up, ready to wear again [assuming you did not spill anything on them while eating].
Jeans do not need to be washed every time you wear them. It breaks them down faster when you do, which ends up costing you more in the long scheme of things.
23 // Consolidate errands into one day
When you run all your errands in one day, you reduce the amount of fuel you use. By not going here one day and then there the next, you can make a plan to tackle it all in fewer miles. It saves fuel and maintenance for your vehicle.
24 // Adjust your thermostat when you aren’t going to be home
As mentioned above, make sure you adjust your thermostat before you leave your home. By adjusting 7-10 degrees, you stand to save quite a bit. Pair this with keeping your blinds closed and curtains pulled shut; you can save even more!
25 // Turn off lights when you leave a room
Mythbusters proved on an episode [please do not ask me to find it] that turning off a light is more energy efficient than leaving it on all the time. Even turning it off for one second and then back on saves energy, which saves money. Why light a room that you aren’t in any way?
26 // Turn off the TV if you are not watching it
The same rule applies to turning off your lights. If you are finished watching TV, turn it off. It also saves you money.
27 // Insulate your home
Insulating your home can save you 10-50% on your utility bills. By insulating your attic and exterior walls, you reduce the ability for heat or cool air to escape.
We added insulation to our previous home, and my bill dropped significantly. I noticed a big difference in my first electric bill and every bill thereafter.
28 // Make sure doors seal properly
Nothing is worse than letting hot air in and cold air escape during the summer months or just the opposite in winter. Make sure your door seals are working properly, and if need be, replace them.
29 // Routinely maintenance your appliances
Energy-efficient appliances are only energy-efficient when they are maintained properly. If there is a space that collects dust or debris, be sure to clean it out regularly. If you have a drain that seems to be draining slowly, clear it out as well.
By maintaining your appliances, your home will continue to run efficiently, which saves you money and allows your appliances to last longer.
30 // Wash dishes in the middle of the night
The evening time is known as “prime time” for some electric companies. This is when energy consumption costs the most.
By running your dishwasher in the middle of the night, you are washing them for a fraction of the price compared to washing them the moment you finish with supper.
Most dishwashers have a schedule option. If yours does, I highly suggest trying it! We currently live in a studio-style apartment, and it never wakes us when it runs.
31 // Use warm water versus hot water on your washing machine
By reducing the temperature of your water by a fraction, you are not sucking every bit of the hot water heater of the hot water. Warm water is just as effective but also more energy efficient.
32 // Live in a smaller home
Sometimes it is not our bills that are the problem; it is the size of our home. Many first-time homeowners do not realize that buying a home they can grow into will cost them a lot more than a home they can fit in comfortably at the moment.
Sure, we hate to move multiple times throughout our lives, but what if you never grow into the large home you live in currently? Do you really want to pay all of that money for something that may or may not happen one day?
33 // Change out filters
Whether it is air filters or water filters, ensure that you change them out regularly. This will allow things to work efficiently due to the air or water being able to flow properly through the filters.
This keeps your home efficient and bills lower.
34 // Take quicker showers
While it is nice to relax in a shower and enjoy the hot water, it can add a bit to your utility bills. When you reduce your shower time, you reduce your electric and water bills, as well as save resources for other uses.
35 // Air dry your clothes
Dryers pull a lot of electricity. Reduce the electricity used and your electric bill by air drying your clothes.
The benefits of this also include lengthening the lifespan of your clothes, which means not having to replace them so quickly.
Final Thoughts about how to save money on utilities
Now that you have learned how to save money on your utilities, are you excited about all the money you can save? I know I love saving money!
When you save money on your utilities, you’re not only saving money. You are helping save the world. Isn’t that cool?
Some of these suggestions may work for you, and others may not. Just don’t discount the fact that all of these actions add up when used together.
Whether you use a handful of these or a few ideas of your own, realize that there is no sense in sending your money out the door when it could be saved with just a little effort.
Savings are waiting to be claimed in multiple spaces of your home. I challenge you to find them and let me know which ways you save money on your utilities.
Remember to revisit things in your home frequently because you never know when you find something that will save you $100 a year or even a month!
I actually have a few things to update and maintenance this week in my own home! Let’s see how much we can save together!

These tips and pieces of advice sound just like the things we did in the 60’s and 70’s to save money! We were young then had had to stretch every dollar! I’m glad to see common sense coming back!
Really, Patricia? It makes me happy to know that these are all tried and true beyond what we are told and/or practice today.
This list is so helpful! We’re about to buy a new home, and you’ve reminded me of some really important things. 🙂
I am so happy to hear that, Kat! Congratulations on your new home!
Great advice! Yes, the little things can really add up over time, so do what you can! Calling in and trying to find out how to cut down a bill may seem like a lot of effort, but realize that all it takes is one time for a lasting benefit!
Thank you, Kim! It is amazing how a little effort gets long lasting results, isn’t it?
These are great tips, Erin! I didn’t realize it was smarter to run the dishwasher at night, but coincidently I was already doing this. 🙂
Thank you, Cara! We were, too. Now that we know it helps save money, I enjoy it just a little bit more.
This is going to be so helpful when we move into our new home!
New home?? How exciting, Marette!! Yes, definitely refer back so you decrease your utility bills as much as possible.