It is important to bring awareness to sustainable living for the health of our planet. However, it isn’t always easy, especially if you’re shy.
Family and friends may not always be receptive to hearing why they shouldn’t use single-use plastic or purchase fast fashion.
Reaching out to strangers may not even be an option for someone who is shy yet passionate about sustainable living.
So what do you do when a direct approach to bringing awareness to sustainable living isn’t the best option?
You use an indirect approach. Something that still says you care about the environment, but you’ll only discuss it when approached about it.
Giving people the chance to see you lead by example will create curiosity. This enables them to mimic you and/or ask you directly why you’re using a certain product.
How do you create awareness of the importance of sustainability and encourage people to live sustainably when you’re shy? And how can you lead by example to create awareness?
Using these four indirect approaches, you can lead by example, grab people’s attention, and bring awareness to sustainable living. These approaches are wearing apparel with a message, using sustainable products around others, hosting a sustainable party, and sharing interesting facts when asked about sustainable living.
Using just one of them will help you bring awareness to sustainable living without forcing it on others.
4 Ways to Bring Awareness to Sustainable Living If You’re Shy
1 // Wearing apparel with a message
The most indirect approach is wearing apparel with a message. Wearing a shirt that says “Live Plastic Free” or “Every Day is Earth Day” brings awareness to sustainable living.
People you pass have the chance to read the shirt and choose if they are going to ask you about it or research it themselves.
This approach works well for people who are extremely shy.
2 // Use sustainable products around others
A great way to bring awareness to sustainable living is to use sustainable products.
There are several opportunities and many occasions that give you the ability to show others that you don’t have to use wasteful things.
Here are a few recommendations and the opportunities they may present:
Having coffee or dinner with someone
This is an easy opportunity to showcase how easy it is to bring your own reusable cup or to-go containers versus using single-use coffee cups and styrofoam containers that aren’t recyclable.
If someone comments about you bringing your own reusable cup or container, you can share why it is important and how some places, like Starbucks, offer a discount when you bring your own cup.
Group Events
Whether it be gathering with friends or for a community project, using sustainable products in lieu of non-sustainable products is a great way to gain the curiosity of those around you.
Having your own reusable water bottle and even reusable silverware can strike up a conversation about sustainable living.
Christmas Parties
Several sustainable opportunities occur within a Christmas party, like using sustainable gift wrapping, gifting sustainable presents, and bringing your own leftover containers.
While gifting a sustainable present isn’t as indirect as gift wrapping, it is an opportunity to share why you gifted them a specific item.
Making gifts versus buying gifts
Making a gift like a scarf or beauty product not only says you care about someone but also opens the door to sharing about sustainable living.
An example, you’ve had some yarn for a while and wanted to use it for a project. You think about your mom and how meaningful it would be to make and gift her a scarf.
It not only has the meaning of being thoughtful of her, but also the environment.

Using reusable bags and reusable produce bags at the grocery store
Live in an area where reusable bags and reusable produce bags aren’t commonly used? If so, this is a great way to strike up a conversation with someone.
Reusable bags bring a lot of attention to them. They are a great resource for reducing the use of single-use plastic bags and helping bring awareness to sustainable living.
3 // Host a sustainable party
While your main focus won’t be on saving the planet, there will be an underlying theme to any kind of party you host.
Unfortunately, using single-use party supplies is the current normal for our society, so you’ll excite your guests when they see that you’re providing actual plates, cups, and silverware for them to use.
Other ways you can bring awareness to sustainable living depend on what kind of party you are hosting.
Here are a couple of ideas that can present you with increasing awareness and having as sustainable of a party as possible:
Sustainable Decorations
Less is more when it comes to decorations. You can create your own decorations with supplies you may already have on hand or purchase sustainable supplies.
Keep the decorations to use for parties in the future. Usually, people won’t notice if you reuse decorations, but if they do happen to notice, this is a great opportunity to explain how it is sustainable.
Eco-friendly supplies needed for the party
If you are playing games at your party, be sure to choose options where you don’t need single-use items.
Whether you simply don’t play those games or use sustainable options instead, being intentional with not having a lot of waste at the end of the party is essential.
If you are making crafts, only use the supplies you have on hand and present the party as a creative way to use up these supplies.
Regardless of whether your guests are kids or adults, this can result in a very creative experience that all are sure to enjoy.
At the end of a party, people expect to have a large bag full of trash, and when you don’t need it, they will notice.
4 // Share interesting facts when asked about sustainable living
When you’re leading by example, people will naturally ask you questions. Be ready to share information with them that inspires them to take action. Don’t share the scariest statistics first because you want to encourage them to take part in saving the planet.
Here are a few recommendations you can share with those who ask:
- The EPA estimates that 75% of the American waste stream is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30% of it. [source]
- Conventional coffee cups aren’t recyclable due to the plastic lining on the inside to make them waterproof. Separating the two materials is nearly impossible. [source]
- By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. [source]
- Recycling an aluminum drink can save enough energy to power a TV for over 3 hours. [source]
You want the spark of curiosity to ignite a flame and promote action to those you share information with. It’s hard to toss an aluminum can in the trash when you realize the impact recycling can have.
Final Thoughts About How to Bring Awareness to Sustainable Living
When bringing awareness to sustainable living and saving the planet, it doesn’t always take a direct approach.
Indirect approaches can be just as effective depending on the person and circumstance. Both approaches are needed and useful.
The beautiful thing about these indirect approaches is that you can easily bring awareness to sustainable living and how to save the planet by wearing apparel with a message, using sustainable products around others, hosting a sustainable party, and sharing interesting facts when asked about sustainable living.
The next person who sees your purposeful apparel or reusable water bottle may decide to stop using single-use plastics and encourage others to do the same.
When this happens a ripple effect starts and the amount of people you impact is immeasurable.

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